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Why You Need Jo Hodgson as your Family Lawyer

Legal support and advice is highly important for many different aspects of life, and that includes families. There are disputes, agreements, and challenges that may happen, where a family lawyer can be of considerable benefit. Jo Hodgson, a family lawyer with nearly 20 years experience in Family and matrimonial/child law can be your legal advisor to deal with any cases of the family law. Here’s why you might need Jo Hodgson as your family lawyer.

  • Perhaps you’re getting divorced, and want to ensure that you get everything that you’re entitled to, or that you can still see your children. You might want to know whether you need to sell your house, or other assets.
  • You might be thinking about a civil partnership, and want to know more about what’s involved from a legal point of view. You’ll want to know what rights you have, and might want to know what happens if you split up.
  • If you have children, then you’ll want what’s best for them in the event of a relationship breakdown. Perhaps you want them to live with you, or think that they will be better off with their other parent.
  • If you’re suffering domestic abuse at the hands of a violent partner, then you’ll need to know how to get out of the relationship, and how to leave. If you have children then it might be more complicated. Jo Hodgson will be able to give you all the advice you need, and help you find somewhere safe. With unlogged phone calls available and other ways, you can be reassured that your calls can’t be traced.
  • If you have grandchildren, and you can’t see them due to their parents divorcing, or ending their relationship, then you’ll want your family lawyers, even if they are only a premises liability attorney, to ensure that you have access to them. At least, you shall have some access to sound legal advice. You have rights as a grandparent, and so you’ll want Jo Hodgson to help you see your grandchildren.
  • Perhaps you’re wondering about a pre nup agreement before you get married. Jo Hodgson will be able to advise you as to whether it’s a good idea or not, and what it means for you.
  • You might be disputing with your partner as to where your children should live, or how often they should see the other parent. If you can’t solve things amicably, then you’ll need Jo Hodgson to help you.
  • There might be an issue with an inheritance claim that you want help with. Perhaps your children were financially dependent on someone who has died, but not provided for your children in their will. Jo Hodgson will be able to help you.
  • There are many financial implications associated with family law, and so you’ll need to ensure that you are told what to expect. Whether you’re about to start receiving maintenance for your children or need to make provisions for your grandchildren Jo Hodgson will be able to advise you.

Now you know more about what areas of Jo Hodgson as a family lawyer covers, if you need legal help and advice, don’t hesitate to contact her via her Instagram at or her Facebook at



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