I was involved in an accident and I am scared that i am not going to be able to pay for all of my medical bills. Who knows how long these medical bills will keep piling up on me, but it does not seem like there is any end in sight. So what I need to do is to hire a no win no fee lawyer that will represent me in court and to make sure that I get the money that I deserve from this accident. It was a gruesome accident and I am surprised that no one died, given the circumstances. The other party involved in the crash was very seriously injured, but the accident was their fault. It is not like I want money from them though, but just the insurance company that insured them
I think that I should be eligible for quite a large settlement, or a large amount of compensation, depending on how the company decides to handle this case. I would like to get it over with as soon as possible, but as long as my lawyer does not charge a fee unless he wins the legal battle, then it does not really matter how long they try to extend the case, eventually, there will be a verdict and an award of finances to me. I am pretty confident that justice will be served, but I am still nervous.
I wish that I could have avoided this accident, but i am sure that anyone who has ever been in an accident like the one that I was involved in would be inclined to say the same sort of thing. I just pray for a full recovery at this point, and we will see what the future holds. I am just taking it one day at a time.