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Who is The Leading Criminal Lawyer in Melbourne?

The brief descriptions of the most popular criminal lawyers in Melbourne are given below:

Universal lawyers

The main advantage of the team over the other defense lawyers in Melbourne is the free consultation offered for all the new clients. The experience, uprightness and the outcome are the features which bring Universal lawyers in the frontline. The custom made services given at all the stages of the case committed by the team make the clients feel that they are treated well. This brings complete satisfaction. Though the clients are facing the difficult times of their life, they feel relaxed with the friendly and hassle free approach of the lawyers of the team. The efficient service of the tem will provide the customer the best outcome ever.

Another attraction of the team which makes the team special from the other culprit’s pleaders in Melbourne just like the lawyers of, is that they discuss all the minute movements and developments of the case with the clients. This enables the client to be updated and informed. This can also help the client to know the best options to make. The principal solicitor of the team is Joy Quinones who give the lawyers regular training to make sure that the service given is flawless. The expertise of the team in the family law makes their movements sharp and pointed so that no mistakes are happened.

The team, which also consists of car accident attorney riverside, believes that the accused can make better performance if proper legal advice and representation is given to him or her. The prosecution case is clearly analysed by the lawyers to find out the loopholes in that in order to save the client. The team has a ten year experience in the criminal law litigation which is another feature of the team that makes them the most wanted. The first consultation to the new clients is totally free because the team knows that selecting them from the numerous criminal lawyers shows the trust towards them. In return, the team give no obligation services at the initial stages.

Are the criminal lawyers good in Australia? Here are the services in the criminal advocates in Melbourne given by the team include:

  1. Bail applications (local court and supreme court)
  2. Assaults charges (common assault, actual bodily hurt, assault police, grievous bodily hurt, sexual assault, stalking, intimidation)
  3. Offences related to the consumption of drugs (possession, supply, manufacture, import or export of the drugs)
  4. Traffic offences (suspension of licence, unlicensed driving, using mobile phone during driving, speeding, penalties for not wearing seat belts, drink driving)

The team provide twenty four hour communication services.

Phone: (02) 891506268

Mobile: 0400 4840118

The head office of the team is located in Burwood, New South Wales. Along with that, the clients can send a message to the lawyer in the official website. The another feature of the team which makes them special from the other felon solicitor in Melbourne is that they also do all the needy for the winning of the case like preparing the witnesses, advising about the references for character and so on. This is a different feature from the other criminal lawyers in Melbourne.


In this article you will find all the important information you need for hiring a best criminal lawyers around Melbourne.





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