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Public Justice and Law

Do not be intimidated by threats of court proceedings

Take note of the way lenders’ demands tend to say things like:

“If you do not pay we will have no option but to consider taking court action.”

“Consider taking court action” is very different to “take court action.” Your lender is writing to you because it wants your money. If writing to you cost more money than it could get from you, the lender wouldn’t write to you. It wouldn’t make financial sense (and one thing these guys have is financial sense).

Taking you to court costs a lot more money. If taking you to court cost more than your lender could get from you, it wouldn’t take you to court. It wouldn’t make financial sense either. And it often doesn’t.

If you are likely to lose a repossession battle in the courts – hand in the keys instead

This is controversial advice. It’s worth seeing a lawyer before you take it. If the lender applies to repossess in court, the decision will go on to your credit reference files. But if you hand in the keys the lender may or may not add an entry to the separate database of repossesses. Only other mortgage lenders get to see that database anyway; credit card lenders, etc don’t. So keep your repossession out of court.

Bear in mind as you read this that the way your credit reference files are managed is more complex than it seems. It is well worth doing the credit reference check just to read the information the credit reference agencies send out with your record.

If the lender contacts you to demand money, do not make them any offers.

This is to do with good negotiating practice. Both you and your lender have rights. It is using its rights; you should be using yours. Your first right is to require the lender to account for any claim it is making against you before you do anything about it.

Making offers – even filling in and returning the income and expenditure form the lender will send you – may be taking as an admission that you accept that you “admit” the debt. You don’t. So don’t do it.

You’ll almost certainly find the lender avoids answering the question fully and generally tries to avoid giving you any more information. Yet it will demand quite a lot of information from you. Odd, that! It’s actually just good negotiating technique: give away nothing and find out what you can about your opponent. Lender’s debt collection departments are experts at it, they do it all day.

How does Title Service work?

Buying a piece of property might be one of the biggest investments in your whole life. If you want to buy a home you are advised to examine the past and present ownership rights to find out if the individual you are buying the property from is the actual property owner , and if these include any limitations to their ownership property right .

Title insurance shields a home buyer and lender against future loss when you find title documents for the home you are buying, is actually inaccurate. Most lenders also need that you have title insurance. You just pay for title insurance at one time and it will have an effect until you finally sell your home or refinance.

Public records are investigated to locate all documents associated with the title.

The importance of Key Account Management software for B2B companies

When a business does not understand the definition of key account management, their upcoming success is hampered from the beginning. Account management skills are needed, but without any sales skills for implementation, your efforts will never reach fruition. Without key account management skills, you can’t create an effective account plan or strategy, won’t be able to set the best team together , and won’t have the capability to work with B2B clients in the long run to increase the existing strength of business relationships .

How to start building long-term key account management and sales skills is the subject matter for another piece, organizing your sales team to completely focus your business on those accounts that reflect a great number of your total sales volume will allow you to grow your key accounts.