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Posts published by “adminjuse”

How An Expert Witness in Finance Can Help You

The area of finance revolves around money. The term covers a wide variety of sub-themes including personal finance, corporate finance, money matters relating to non-profits, personal and corporate taxation, and many others. Because money is always involved, disputes can come up between parties.

Courts can become involved. These disputes can be nerve-wracking and, in some cases, highly damaging to one or more of the parties. Sometimes a third-party professional is needed. This is where a good expert witness finance may be useful.

John Branca Attorney Agrees That Being a Celebrity Comes With Some Unique Challenges

Did you ever dream of becoming a movie star? Or have you wondered what it would be like to be a famous singer performing for thousands of fans? Being a celebrity may seem like an exciting and privileged lifestyle, but there are challenges as well. For example, most celebrities suffer from a lack of privacy, public scrutiny, and sometimes even libel and slander.

How Long Your Personal Injury Case Will Last

You are involved in an auto accident and it was not your negligence. Another party was absolutely responsible and you experienced injuries suffered throughout the accident plus your car was seriously damaged as well. All this results in a personal injury case that you have filed and you anticipate to be resolved for your benefit. Not irrational, particularly given the situations of the auto accident.

Understanding the Legal Proceedings in Accident Cases

Several factors determine if a case goes to trial or reaches a settlement. Most of the time, the parties involved refuse to compromise or give in. Legal proceedings can be long and tiring. One needs a lot of patience and a good truck accident lawyer to ensure you get justice. Some of the factors that lengthen the legal proceedings include causation and liability.