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Posts published by “adminjuse”

The potential problems with giving USPTO fee-setting authority

The United States Congress is currently considering a bill called the Patent Reform Act of 2011. This bill contains a list of long-desired reforms to the US patent system, with the intent of streamlining and improving the way in which inventors and companies protect their intellectual property. The reform bill features changes to how patents are claimed, the way damages are doled out, and the way in which individuals or corporations can challenge patents. However, there is one aspect that has been the subject of some inquiry and controversy: under the new bill, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) would have the ability and authority to set their own fees at will, without prior consultation or lawmaker action.

5 most common trucking accidents that lead to personal injury

Truck drivers experience unique types of vehicle accidents, when compared with the general motorist population. Trucking accidents are rarely minor incidents. They destroy property and lives. Those who survive often incur major injuries, such as spine injuries, broken bones, head trauma, or damage to internal organs.

All details and information herein contained is provided on behalf of the Mesa personal injury lawyer firm of Goldberg & Osborne, and is intended as a reference only.

Aspects of Medical Malpractice

Several aspects are related to medical malpractice and victims of such should be knowledgeable about it. Roughly 1% of hospital cases result to injuries due to hospital negligence; 25% of these cases result to death due to complications.

All details herein provided are for informational purposes only, contact experienced Valparaiso injury attorneys for additional details.

Hospital negligence refers to circumstances where a doctor or a healthcare professional does not provide quality healthcare; the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff.

Delayed Diagnosis or Misdiagnosis of Cancer

Many people trust the expertise of their doctor, but when you find out your doctor misdiagnosed your medical condition or did not accurately diagnose it in a timely manner, it can have a devastating impact on your physical and mental well-being. If you have been a victim of medical malpractice Pittsburgh PA, you may be entitled to receive compensation.

Physician Negligence and Cancer Misdiagnosis

A physician’s actions are considered negligent if he fails to provide the reasonable standard of medical care that other competent doctors would have provided under similar circumstances.

Bail Bonds Tips

No one wants to get arrested or having a family go to jail, but it happens. Everyone makes mistakes. That’s why the court has a bail system to allow individuals to get of jail until they are proven guilty in court. The amount of bail does change based on the severity of the crime. Sometimes, a crime is serious enough that no bail will be offered.