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Obtaining Romanian citizenship

Based upon the qualifications of the current law in Romania staying in this country as a foreigner is granted for the period of the visa or even the residency permits. You will find situations in which international conventions might have canceled the visa program , so that specific foreigner are not required to get visa for getting into Romania and they can stay in Romania for maximum 3 months .

The overseas citizens who have received a long stay visa and also the people who are exempted through this obligation may propose the prolongation of the temporary stay in Romania, for durations about one year, under compliance of all required conditions given by the immigration law for extension of the temporary permit in Romania.

In this article I would like to give you brief information about how to obtain Romanian citizenship. The foreign citizens who definitely have received temporary stay permit may apply for a long stay permit, under compliance of all mandatory conditions given by the immigration law in Romania. The long stay permit will lead to the chance of obtaining Romanian citizenship which has the similar requirements as the Romanian citizens.

In accordance with the Romanian citizenship law , overseas citizen that were born in Romania and surely have parents with Romanian citizenship or even foreign citizens who were born in foreign countries and both parents or just one parent owns Romanian citizenship , known to be Romanian citizens .

For overseas citizens who are not included in the group stated above, the Romanian citizenship is obtainable by application, when all essential requirements under the Romanian citizenship law are met.

If you are a foreigner who need help in resolving immigration law problems it is advisable to hire a lawyer dedicated to immigration law. Immigration law can show you the necessary steps for obtaining Romanian citizenship and they will also provide the right of foreigner to request Romanian citizenship. By hiring an immigration lawyer you will get more knowledge about the requirements to be completed so that you can receive Romanian visas, permit in Romania and also Romanian citizenship. An immigration attorney will assist you to processing the documents and fulfilling the requirements provided by Romania immigration law, so having Romanian citizenship will be less complicated.

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