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Posts tagged as “insurance claims attorney”

What to do when faced with an Insurance Dispute

When it is said that the wheels of justice are slow to turn, there is truth in it. However, although justice may appear to be a slow process, it is because of the many procedures some of them complex that a case has to be subjected to before its conclusion. This is not necessarily a bad thing as it speaks to thoroughness for justice to be served for both the plaintiff and the defendant.

Insurance can be a tricky subject even where it should be straight forward. One must always browse this site before trying to get their hands on insurance. When it comes to claims and the insurer needing to pay, things can get ugly if the insurance company tries to muddy the waters with unfounded arguments as to why they cannot pay a claim. It becomes unfortunate when the wheels of justice are clogged by such bogus arguments and cause unnecessary delay in payments to those who are due. (more…)