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Is it legal to pay for book reviews?

If you have just written and also published a book and you have any wish of selling it to other people rather than just irritating your friends and family, you certainly do. You have invested a significant amount of hard work writing it. If this is not an eBook you might have invested some money getting it bound. When you are like the majority of authors you would not mind getting everything back for all your dollars and hours.

As a way to sell the book you need to let individuals know that it is available. Even though you do not own your own bookstore you need to shelve it in which people can easily see it. You may build a costly kiosk at the mall or even purchase advertising in any places from billboards to newspapers. You may display it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (but you are still depending on your friends again). You may also use Google AdWords and also pay-per-click for possible customers. I also have seen them offered at garage sales on the beach.

Most of these works is fine. However no matter what technique you use to get publicity, you will need to show some evidence that individuals have read your book and liked it or even dislike it. Your book review informs people that your book was worth taking a chance to read; and it is related to your emotional capital.

It is not difficult to locate someone to take a look at book. Send a copy of the book to the newspaper and you can ask them to review it. Many local newspapers are excited to get books from the local authors.

Also, you will find several websites that can read your book and then review it and showcase it. Most of these reviewers expect to be paid. Do some research, whatever the case, the more book reviews of your work the better.

Reviews are a good way to get exposure for your books, and excellent reviews can easily improve sales and also consumer sentiment to your book. Can I pay for book reviews ? That is the common question that we usually hear from some book authors. Actually, trying to fast-track sales by writing fake reviews or even paying other people to post positive reviews for you online can break consumer law and also damaging your brand’s reputation. The important thing to managing online book reviews is to make sure they are genuine and honest. If you would like offer incentives to opportunity seekers to write reviews, ensure that the reviewer properly discloses any payment and you publish reviews which are both positive and negative.

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